While owning a home is the quintessential American dream, not everyone is able to purchase a home when they desire. If you’re fresh out of school with a boat
Has a dog or cat grabbed hold of your heart? It doesn’t take much. A paw on the arm. A lick on the nose, or a soft purr or whimper can turn most of us into dog
Like health care, many of us continue with the same auto insurance policy for years, never bothering to find out whether another insurance carrier could provide
Personal finance, like just about everything else, is mainly common sense. Advice like “don’t spend more than you make; start investing while you’re young; don
As we draw closer to the last quarter of 2018, Americans are starting to think more about the changes to the U.S. tax code. Though the tax code has been tweaked
If you’re currently in the market for a home, it will speed up the process considerably if you’re familiar with the various mortgage options available. Finding
Of all the things you’ll purchase in your lifetime, it’s likely that your home will be the largest, most expensive purchase you will ever make. While homes vary
For many early 20-somethings that are freshly graduated and are now facing credit card and loan bills, the last thing on their mind is investments.
Homeownership is the American dream. But is it for everyone? From a young age, purchasing a home is synonymous with success. However, there are some
Fear of the Inevitable End Any investor knows the markets’ great returns over the last couple years. Most non-investors out of jealousy will undoubtedly be
We live in a society that values intelligence. For the most part, this is a great thing. However, we have placed an extreme amount of emphasis on being well
How many times have you failed to do something out of fear? Or, talked yourself out of doing something because of it? What do we do when we're afraid? Well, it